Voyage vers une Nouvelle Terre

voyage vers une Nouvelle Terre ........
voyage meditatif en conscience à travers la création...
les nebuleuses...supernova..galaxies..univers...etc...
sur un extrait d'une musique de singh kaur ...Ardas Bhai ('38'35)
à partir d'image d'Hubble et de la Nasa...
Extrait du Film The fountain et Prediction.....
Bon Voyage.........


  • Shantinilaya



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  1. Tynitim dit :

    Né beauo 8-O !

  2. Paprika dit :

    Absolument superbe ! Merci ShantiNilaya :-| ♥*♥

  3. Ds ya dit :

    It is very amusing to view video because at the very beginning there is one pub as head and shoulders for the persons who lose hair to them.
    And the guy of video is bald

    otherwise, of course that from a point of view of our senses, these pictures are nice ; but in reality, in the trip which we will once undertake, it is very in another way.

    It will not be a matter any more of beauty or ugliness.

    There will be no more words, or emotions :idea:

  4. Altair dit :

    Ds ya dit :
    15 décembre 2010 à 17:19 – XX.XX.184.251

    It is very amusing to view video because at the very beginning there is one pub as head and shoulders for the persons who lose hair to them.
    And the guy of video is bald

    otherwise, of course that from a point of view of our senses, these pictures are nice ; but in reality, in the trip which we will once undertake, it is very in another way.

    It will not be a matter any more of beauty or ugliness.

    There will be no more words, or emotions

    :-? Merde c’est encore en anglais !!!


    I still do not yet speak English, not much easier, too not know enough English and cause nothing much almost write the language that I know nothing.


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